Good Texas Hold Em Books
Texas Holdem Post Flop Play. Many Texas holdem poker books do a good job of explaining how to play profitably before the flop, but it’s hard to find a good resource that teaches you how to play well after the flop. We believe the reason for this is because playing strong poker post flop is hard. Browse the Best-selling poker books and gambling books, how to play and win at poker, winning strategies, software, ebooks, used poker books and more at world famous Gamblers Book Club. SET II SHORT TABLE STARTEGY CARDS FOR TEXAS HOLD'EM. The Theory of Poker: A Professional Poker Player Teaches You How to Think Like One (1987).
When it comes to tournament play, “ Harrington on Holdem ” – Volumes 1, 2, and 3, remain one of the best resources. With detailed explanations of important concepts and real-life poker problems, these books will help you take your tournament game to a whole new level. Hold'em Strategy. 1 book for Hold'em Strategy. Harrington on Hold 'em, Expert Strategy for No-Limit Tournaments; Volume I: Strategic Play is the first of three books many people believe to be the most famous series of poker books ever written on No Limit Hold'em tournament play.
Author: 'Gus Hansen'

Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corp.
Year of first edition: 2009
Language: 'English'

Excerpt: 'I was up against 746 competitors. I lasted five days. It took me 329 hands. But it was all worth it, because I won. Do you wanna know how? I will show you. Since the beginning of my professional career, i have often been called 'the madman' by people believing I am insane, making loose plays with any hand, calling large bets with seemingly unplayable hands, and raising out of position with garbage holdings. There is, however, logic behind the madness. My approach to poker is mathematical and analytical and in my mind this is the only way to win poker.' 'Gus Hansen, 2009: 11'
Book nº 2 Title 'Ace on the River - An Advanced Poker Guide'
Author: 'Barry Greenstein'
Publisher: 'Last Knight Publishing'
Year of first edition: 2005
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'When I was in college in the early 1970´s, I read every poker book I could get my hands on. Some contained amusing anecdotes, but they didn´t teach me to play poker. Most books written after 1975 have done a good job comparing starting hands in different forms of poker. Also many of them include useful advice for play on early betting rounds. This book does not contain charts on starting hand requirements, since my basic strategy is not significantly differen from that wich you would find in other books.' 'Barry Greenstein, 2005: 3'

Book nº 3 Title: 'Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies For Full-Scale Poker '
Author: 'D. Billings'
Year of first edition: 2003
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'Game theory encompasses all forms of competition between two or more agents. Unlike chess or checkers, poker is a game of imperfect information and chance outcomes. It can be represented with an imperfect information game free having chance nodes and decision nodes, which are grouped into information sets.' 'D. Billings, 2003: 1'
Book nº 4 Title 'Bluffing Beyond Poker'
Authors: 'Johannes Horner, Nicolas Sahuguet'
Year of first edition: 2006
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'This paper introduces a model for bluffing that is relevant when bets are sunk and only actions - not evaluations - determine the winner. Predictions from poker are invalid in such nonzero-sum games. Bluffing (respectively Sandbagging) occurs when a weak (respectively strong) player seeks to deceive his opponent into thinking that he is strong (respectively weak).' 'Johannes Horner, Nicolas Sahuguet, 2006: 1'
Book nº 5 Title 'Body Language (How to read others' thoughts by their gestures)'
Note: Although this book is not directly about the topic of poker itself, body language is also very important to play live poker.
Author: 'Allan Pease'
Year of first edition: 1981
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'When I first heard about 'body language' at a seminar at 1971, I became so excited about it that I wanted to learn more. The speaker told us about some of the research done by Professor Ray Birdwhistell at the University of Louisville, which had shown that more human communication took place by the gestures, postures, position and distances than by any other method..' 'Allan Pease, 1981: 1'
Book nº 6 Title: 'Caro's Book of Poker Tells'

Author: 'Mike Caro'
Year of first edition: 2003
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'Once you have mastered the basic elements of a winning poker formula, psychology becomes the key ingredient in separating break-even players from players who win consistently. The most profitable kind of poker psychology is the ability to read your opponents.' 'Mike Caro, 2003: 8'
Book nº 7 Title: - 'Championship No-Limit & Pot-Limit Hold'em'
Authores: 'T.J. Cloutier & Tom McEvoy '
Year of first edition: 1997
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'We played head-up a the Diamond Jim Braddy tournament in 1990 just after I had won the World Series of Poker. I was running good after the final table, making hands, betting and raising....but I never bluffed because basically, I didn´t need to.' 'T.J. Cloutier, 1997: 5'
Book nº 8 Title: 'Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course in Power Poker '
Author: 'Doyle Brunson'
Good Texas Hold Em Bookstore
Year of first edition: 1979
Texas Holdem Rules For Beginners
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'Poker is a game of people. That´s the most important lesson you should learn from my book. I will be teaching you guidelines and concepts you will be able to use with great sucess, and you will quickly become a very good player.' 'Doyle Brunson, 1979: 17'
Book nº 9 Title: 'Doyle Brunson's Super System 2 - A Course in Power Poker'
Author: 'Doyle Brunson'
Year of first edition: 2004
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'Super/System 2 gathers together the greatest poker players and theoreticians today. This book is not meant to replace the original Super/System, but to be an extension of that great work, with more games, new authors, and most importantly, more professional secrets from the best in the business.' 'Avery Cardoz, 2004: 3'
Book nº 10 Title: 'Collection Of Shorthanded Limit Hold'em Poker Articles'
Author: 'Jason Pohl'
Year of first edition: 2009
Language: 'English'
Excerpt: 'Why do losing players continue to lose? there are only a handfull of plausible explanations. Maybe the losing player doesn´t care about winning, or they aren´t willing to put in the time to learn, or they don´t know where to learn. Maybe the losing player fails to observe others, lacks necessary patience, or simply tilts at the first sign of bad luck.' 'Jason Pohl, 2009: 2'
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