Online Roulette System Cheat

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Roulette strategy videos - Browse and add the best roulette strategy videos and roulette betting systems Roulette Calculators and roulette strategies social network. Join the family of professional roulette players and learn inside roulette strategies and betting systems to take your game to the next level! Legal cheating is where you don’t actually affect the outcome of spins, but you use predictive devices. Millions can and indeed have been won at roulette with electronic cheating devices called roulette computers. Although they are a casino’s worst nightmare, they are in. The one and only way to cheat in roulette is when you’re playing a game with a real physical wheel and a human dealer who spins the wheel and throws the ball in the opposite direction. To really cheat in roulette, you need access to the wheel, so this is why casinos have in. Past Posting or Late Betting to Increase Wagers on Known Winners. Every roulette player knows the.

Generally as there are many legitimate legal methods to win at roulette, you don’t need to cheat. Sure a cheating roulette strategy can make things easier for you, but it should never be attempted unless the predictive methods are legal where you play. In just about every case, illegal cheating is when you actually affect the outcome of spins. Legal cheating is where you don’t actually affect the outcome of spins, but you use predictive devices.

Millions can and indeed have been won at roulette with electronic cheating devices called roulette computers. Although they are a casino’s worst nightmare, they are in fact legal to apply in approximately half of casinos. This doesn’t mean they are welcome, so if you apply such technology and are caught, you’ll certainly be asked to leave. For those brave players who aren’t afraid to covertly apply such devices, this is without a doubt the easiest and most effective method of beating roulette.

How Roulette Computers Work

For a very thorough explanation about how roulette computers work, see how to make a roulette computer.

Other Methods to Cheat at Roulette (illegal)

The following methods are largely illegal and should not be used in the casino environment.

Wheel Gaffing:

This is simply tampering with the wheel. There are many ways it can be done. For example, on some wheels you can loosen the frets (pocket separators) on closed tables when no-one is looking. This will create a kind of wheel bias where the ball’s momentum will be absorbed more by the loose pocket, making the ball tend to come to rest in one section of the wheel more than any other. Generally though, wheel gaffing is done by crooked casino staff who want to make winning easy for their associates. If a casino employee has good access to a wheel, they may also slightly bend or warp the wheel rotor shaft. This causes the wheel to have a slightly uneven deceleration whereby the wheel’s deceleration rate is higher when the wheel rotor is at a particular orientation. If the wheel has a common drop point (if the wheel is tilted), this would mean particular numbers on the wheel rotor will be under the common ball drop point more frequently than others. This in turn would mean the ball would come to rest in a particular area of the wheel more than any other.

Rigged Wheels:

With the seemingly unpredictable bounce of a roulette ball, it can often appear as though the ball has a magnet in it. Do casinos cheat and rig their wheels? Very, very rarely – it only ever occurs in locations where gambling is not a regulated industry, at unlicensed casinos where there is no gaming licence to lose, or in high stakes private games where one spin can earn or lose a casino millions. Of course even in countries where gambling is unregulated, such a form of cheating would likely be considered cheating, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur. If you play at a licensed casino, and aren’t wagering million dollar spins, then you can be almost certain the wheel has not been rigged. Why? Because if the casino cheated, they’d be risking their entire gaming license and many years of revenue – not at all a financially viable risk especially when they naturally have the edge over the player.

Magnets in the Ball:

There was one particular incident where a ball with an internal magnet was used to cheat a casino. The players were able to direct the ball to areas where their bets were made. The scam was eventually discovered, and left the casinos perplexed as to how they had swapped the original ball with a magnetised ball. In such a case I believe it would be reasonable to assume crooked casino staff played a part in exchange for part of the winnings.

Dipping the Wheel:

Roulette Systems That Work

In some casinos, leaning against the table or wheel can lower one half of the wheel, making the ball tend to fall at one point more than any other. This is what you would call a heavily tilted wheel. As you would already know approximately where the ball would fall from the ball track, it would then only be a matter of knowing the wheel orientation at the time the ball fell. This gives the player an advantage that’s large enough to overturn the casinos small edge. This kind of cheating method is very rare nowadays as modern casinos usually strictly prohibit leaning on or around the wheel, and usually wheels are protected by Perspex.

Deadening of Pocket Surface:

Casinos staff who have easy access to wheels can spray or paint virtually invisible polymers or plastics on the pocket surfaces. This creates a deadening of the pocket surface so that when the ball hits it, the ball doesn’t bounce as much, and will therefore come to rest in one sector of the wheel more than the others. the actual material when applied must be invisible to the naked eye which is not at all impossible, especially on some wheel designs.

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The Martingale System

The Martingale System is the possible the most well known Roulette Cheat around. Some people will swear that this is the only way to win big at the Roulette table while other will swear that is you rely on this cheat you will be ruined. regardless of what will happen if you use this cheat it certainly needs to be covered.
The way the Martingale system works is you start with a set wagering amount. Lets use $2 for simplicity sake. You place a two dollar wager on your bet of choice and continue to place $2 bets until you lose. Once you lose you will increase your wager to $4. If you win that wager you return to $2 wagers, if you loose you increase your next wager to $8 and continue to double your wager until you win.
By doubling your wager after each loss you are guaranteeing that when you do win you will win back all the money you have lost and you will ba back to being even.
Now you will notice that the wagers climb in value quite quickly and you will need a fairly large bankroll to use this cheat. While this may be true you will likely break even before you reach nine wagers as the probability of losing Losing 9 consecutive wagers are approximately .00313 for American Roulette and .0025 for European Roulette.
Online Like any other cheating method this one involves risk. In this case the risk is monetary instead of criminal.

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Five Number Roulette System

This system works by placing five individual straight-up inside bets on five individual numbers on the roulette table (don't forget about the zero and double zero). You will want to start at a table with a low minimum bet and buy 40 $1 chips, this will help limit any losses. By wagering on the inside bets you are getting a return of 35 to one when you win. So a single number hitting on a $1 wager would return $35. By winning two consecutive times you have more than doubled your money.

Red/Black Roulette System

This system is essentially the Martingale system except you limit yourself to placing wagers on the Red or Black position. The payout is 1 to 1 on these wagers and the chances of winning on red or Black are just below 50/50.Online Roulette System Cheat
To take this cheat to the next level you will need a partner and will need to expect to walk away from the table even at best. The reason you should expect to only break even is that you will be wagering on Red and your partner will be wagering on Black. As a team you won't lose very much (remember the zeros) but because you can wager large amounts of money you will get comps from the casino which are just as good as money. Remember though you can't hang around with your partner in the casino or you will be caught.

The Anti-Martingale Roulette System

The Anti-martingale System is similar to the Martingale system in that you double you wagers however it differs in that instead of doubling after a loss like the Martingale System has you doing, The Anti-Martingale System has you doubling after a win. Essentially you leave your winnings on the table and like the famous movie quote 'Let em Ride'. For this system you will want to be wagering on any even money wager like Red or Black, Even or Odd. Lets say you again start with a $2 wager and win, you then wager $4 and again you win, now you are up to a $8 wager and you can see how your winnings can grow quickly from a small initial wager. This system unlike the Martingale doesn't require a large bankroll and can be very profitable if you get on a winning streak. The trade off is you are giving up small wins for larger wins.

The D'Alembert System

The D'Alembert System or 'The Pyramid' was invented during the French Enlightenment period of the 1700's by one of the major mathematician and philosopher of the time Jean d'Alembert. This system was designed to work with Even money wagers like Red or Black, Even or Odd and High or Low. This system works by starting with a wager, if you win that wager you reduce the amount for the next spin as the chance you will win two spins in a row is low. Like wise if you lose a wager you increase your wager for the next spin as you are more likely to win.
This system has a few advantages over other systems. The increase in your wagers is slower therefore you bankroll will last longer and you can stop your session at any point if your nerve leaves and not be down hundreds or dollars in a few spins. The second advantage is that you can quickly find your bankroll in the positive and you can again leave the table early and happy. This system rely's on a balance between winning ad losing bets which can be difficult to achieve.

The Contra D'Alembert system

Unlike the D'Alembert system where you increase your wager when you loose and decrease it when you win the Contra D'Alembert system has you increasing your wager when you win and returning to your initial wager unit when you lose. This system focuses on winning as much as possible during a positive series and limiting your loses on negative ones. The downside of this system is that if you are on a long winning streak and you happen to lose all of your winnings can be wiped out in a single loss. Although your losses are very limited during a losing streak.

Reduced D'Alembert

The reduced D'Alembert system was designed to reduce the amount of risk involved with the D'Alembert system. This system isn't designed to reach a balance between winning and loosing but to take advantage of winning a few betting units.