Place A Sports Bet In Vegas Online

Important Sports Betting Terms. Side: The side is the Point Spread (a bet “against the spread”) or in baseball, the Run-Line, and in hockey, the Puck-Line. Money: This is the “Moneyline” bet where sportsbooks adjust the price of the wager instead of using a point spread to handicap a sports matchup. Moneylines are more popular for MLB. In order to place bets on these sportsbooks, you must be in a state in which sports betting is regulated and where the corresponding sportsbook has a sports betting license. Welcome offers through. Every year, thousands of sports enthusiasts flock to Las Vegas to place their bets and closely watch their teams with dollar signs in their eyes. No matter what casino you’re in, you’re bound to walk by a. We offer you the best and most reliable places to place your Sports Bets, Play Casino, Poker Games Online and Online Racebook. Bovada Sportsbook; BetOnline Sportsbook; MyBookie Sportsbook.


So, you want to make your first online sports bet? We’re going to assume it’s your first bet since you’re here reading this guide. If it’s not your first bet, but it’s just been a while, we totally get that, too. Technology changes quickly.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through every single step of the online sports betting process. We’ll start by talking about what you need to get set up to facilitate your bet. Then, we’ll discuss selecting the actual bet that you want to make. Once all of that information is out of the way, we’ll dive into making your actual bet and close with how to collect your winnings. We’re also going to assume you’re super sharp and going to crush this first bet.

By the time you finish with this guide, you will have 100% of the information you need to get out there and make your first real-money online sports bet. Exciting, isn’t it? We think so! Our team of experts were all beginners once and can all attest that they wish they had someone to walk them through the process.

Getting Things Set Up

The first step in making an online sports bet is getting your account set up. It’s not as easy as just shoving dollar bills into your USB drive and yelling the bets you want at the computer screen. It would be awesome if it were, but sadly, we don’t live in that world yet.

Below, you’ll find the steps you need to complete to place your first bet. Each step has its own dedicated guide in case you need some more explanations of what to do. Everything should be pretty easy and straightforward, but we wanted you to be prepared in case you had any issues.

Select an Online Sportsbook

Since we’ve already determined that we can’t just yell at our computers, you’ll have to find a sportsbook willing to take your yelling and action. Thankfully, there are tons of great options for you to choose from that offer extensive action on all of your favorite sports and some you’ve probably never even heard of.

While “tons of options” is surely a great thing, it can also make actually making a decision a challenge. Welp, good luck! Kidding, kidding. We would never just throw you out to the wolves on what is actually an important decision. You see, unfortunately, there are a lot of bad apples out there in the online betting industry. These sites don’t deliver on their promises, are sometimes untrustworthy, and offer a betting experience that is “sub-par” (that’s the nice way of putting it).

Allow us to help. Below, you’ll find a few things. First, you’ll see our list of recommended online sportsbooks. These are the highest rated, most trusted online sportsbooks offering the best action on the most sports. Basically, these are the sites you want to play at.

Betting Site
BonusBet Now
1 up to €30 Free BetGo to Site
100% up to €122Go to Site
3100% up to €200Go to Site
100% up to €50Go to Site
5 100% up to €50Go to Site

But if you want some more information before you make a decision, we also have a link below to a dedicated guide walking you through every step to select the best sportsbook for you. We know you’ll be blown away by the quality of the sites we’ve recommended, but we know some people just like to take important decisions a little slower, and we respect that.

Fund Your Sportsbook Account

Once you’ve picked out the best sportsbook for you, it’s time to put some money into that account. This can be a scary process for a lot of people because it’s something they’ve never done before. Good news, we’re going to walk you through it step by step. We’re even willing to hold your hand if that will make things a little bit better for you.

In all seriousness, this process should be one that is simple and headache-free. Typically, the online sportsbook will walk you through the process by giving you your options and letting you know everything that you need to get your account quickly funded.

One side note that we want to mention. Don’t feel like you need to load your entire bankroll online right off the bat. If you are brand new to this, start with a small deposit to get your feet wet. If you end up loving it and want to move your whole bankroll online, then go for it. But we want you to realize that baby steps are just fine here.

Below, we’ve got a fully dedicated guide directing you through the funding process. We’ll give you step by step instructions, how to deal with issues that might arise, the different methods you have for funding, and some tips to help make the process smoother and ensure you get the most bang for your buck.

Selecting a Bet

The administrative work is out of the way! Your account is set up, and there is money sitting in your account and burning a hole in your virtual pocket. Now, what to bet? Well, if you already have a hot tip or prediction, then, by all means, go ahead and make that bet. But if you’re brand new to this and have no idea where to start, we’re here to help.

What we’re going to do is give you a bunch of resources to help you make the pick that gives you the best chance of winning. Take some time and choose the link below that best fits what it is that you’re looking for.

Our Picks

One of the coolest free resources that we offer at is our sports betting picks from our team of expert bettors. Not only will we give you our picks in real time, but we’ll walk you through the reasoning behind these picks. You can make your wagers right along with our pros and hopefully walk away from the book a winner.

These picks are updated daily and span a ton of different sports. If you don’t feel like doing the work or research yourself, this is a great place to start for selecting a bet or bets to make.

The Training Grounds

Some of you may be on this page from The Training Grounds already, so we don’t need to explain the value there to you. But if you found your way to this guide from somewhere else, let us introduce you to one of our coolest free resources available on the site. The Training Grounds is our online “school” for beginner sports bettors.

Not only do we walk you through things like “How to make an online sports bet,” but we also offer some great foundational strategy. If you’re really interested in making your own expert picks, then this is where you should start. The Training Grounds is packed full of information, strategy guides, and how-to’s to help you start learning how to make the best picks possible.

For example, we have a dedicated guide on How to Research Your Sports Betting Picks that walks you through all of the different ways you can research a game or match that you’re interested in. This is just one example of the resources we have for you there. If you’re ready to take your betting to the next level, click on over there and check out this amazing free resource. There is nothing else like it on the web.

The Strategy Section

If you already consider yourself advanced when it comes to sports betting online, you may want a little more advanced betting strategy to help you select your pick. As’s original purpose was to cater to advanced bettors, we have a ton of great resources to help you out. The link below will take you to our dedicated strategy section.

In this section, you’ll be able to find strategy guides separated by sport and by bet type. Additionally, we have some very advanced guides that get into online betting math and higher-level strategies that you can use to crush the books. These are not ideal for complete beginners, but we wanted you to know they were there and will be waiting for you when you’re ready. Oh, did we mention they’re free as well?

Making Your Bet

It seems like we’ve covered so much, and we’re just now getting to the meat and potatoes of the article. Let’s talk about how to actually make your bet! You have your account set up, your account is funded, and you’ve selected the bet that you want to make.

If you’re betting at a great sportsbook, the next part of this equation is going to be pretty easy. If you’re not at a great sportsbook, this is the point in the timeline where that is going to become very evident.

The first thing you need to do is log into your sports betting account. If you just created your account, you’re probably already logged in. Using the menus, navigate to the sport and the game that you are interested in betting. Most sportsbooks have a menu on the left-hand side of the screen that allows you to select the sport, and then there may be a dropdown for the particular league you’re looking for.

If you want to bet an NBA game, you may have to select “basketball” first and then select “NBA” from a drop-down menu. Once you do this, all the games should populate to the center of the screen.

Find the game or match you want to bet and click the type of bet you want. If you don’t immediately see the type of bet you want, you can usually click a “more” button that can take you to the full listings of wagers available for that particular game, match, or race.

The next thing you need to do is check the odds on the bet and make sure they are to your liking. The odds will typically be presented in American odds format (example: +110). If this is not your desired format, most good sportsbooks will have an option you can select to change all of the odds to the format that you prefer (decimal or fraction). This is usually located at the top right of the screen.

When you click on the bet that you want, it should populate into a virtual betting slip, most likely on the right-hand side of the screen. Here is where you’ll be able to put in the bet amount that you would like to make. When you type in the bet amount, it should also tell you exactly how much you stand to win if you make a correct prediction. Some sportsbooks will show you your profit number, and some will show you the full amount that will be returned to you.

What’s the difference? Well, profit is the amount you are getting back not including your original bet. The amount returned is your profit plus the original bet you are getting back. For example, let’s say you are making a $20 bet at even money (meaning you get paid $20 if you win). Your profit on a correct bet would be $20. Your returned amount would be $40. This is because the sportsbook gives you your original bet back and then gives you the money you won on top of that. If they only gave you $20 back, you wouldn’t have made any money! Instead, they put the original $20 you bet into your account and then the $20 in profit as well. Just make sure when you are betting that you know which one the sportsbook is using.

If you like the amount you would receive for a correct pick, then it’s time to finalize the bet. Before you click the “confirm” or “bet” button, make sure you read the entire bet slip to make sure you are betting on what you want to bet on. It’s easy to click on the wrong bet or select something by accident, especially if you’re in a hurry.

Take your time and confirm that everything is correct and to your liking. Once you have confirmed this, click the “bet” button! Some sites might require you to click a “confirm” button, but some will only require one click. Once the bet has been made, double check it one more time for accuracy. Make sure that nothing got lost in translation and that the amount, game, bet type, and odds are still correct.

If for some reason the odds are not correct, contact support immediately to let them know you have an issue with a bet you just made. Do not wait one second. A reputable sports betting online website with a great staff will get this handled for you quickly and without issue. If you wait even a few minutes, though, you may start to run into problems.

One thing that could happen during the betting process is that the odds might change. Depending on the sports betting online site you are at, this will be handled a little differently. Some sites update the odds in real time and will pop up a notice on your betting ticket before you even click the “submit” button. When this happens, you will have the option of accepting the new odds or canceling the bet. Sometimes the odds will move in your favor, and sometimes they will move against you. Most of the time, they won’t move at all in that short of a time frame, but it does happen.

If it does, take a look at the new odds and decide if you are okay with them. If they moved in your favor, awesome! Of course you are going to like those. If they moved against you, you have to reassess if you still like the bet and still feel like it has the value you are looking for. If you decide it does, then proceed with the process. If you decided it doesn’t, though, just close out the bet and start looking for something else you like. There is no reason to force a bet just to get some action.

Once you’ve made your bet or bets, it’s time to sit back and wait! You’ve done your job, and now it’s time for the team or player you selected to do theirs. The process of making a bet can be scary at first, which is why we recommend starting with a few small bets to get the hang of things. That way, if you happen to make some sort of mistake, you can learn for cheap. We don’t anticipate that you’re going to make a mistake, but it does happen from time to time. As long as you are double and triple checking the bets you are making, you should have no problems.

Collecting Your Winnings

You won your bet! Congrats. The next step is collecting your winnings. If you’re in the process of building a bankroll, you might not want to collect your winnings right away, which is totally fine. In fact, most people don’t draw their first cash-out for quite some time, as they like to ride the winning wave and build up their bankroll.

Las vegas football bets online

If you’re ready to withdraw, though, the process is very straightforward. Online sportsbooks offer a bunch of different options for you to choose from. To help you out with the process, we’ve created a dedicated guide with all of the details you might need to get your money offline and into your pocket quickly.

The guide includes a step-by-step breakdown of how to withdraw your money, a look at the most popular options for withdrawing, and a bunch of awesome tips to help make the process a lot smoother. There are some tips of things you should do now (before you even want to withdraw), so we highly recommend taking a quick peek at that guide now so that you’re fully prepared.

In Conclusion

Well, that’s all there is to it! It really is as simple as opening an account, putting some money on, picking out a bet, and clicking the “confirm bet” button. We did our best to be as over-the-top thorough as possible, though, just to make sure that we covered every instance that you might run into. Sports betting online is supposed to be fun even if it’s something you’re taking very seriously. We wish you the best of luck and hope you have a great online betting career.

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Betting on sports in a casino sportsbook is not the same as betting with an illegal bookie. It is done for the thrill of the game and to make money as well. At first, you may think that betting on sports is almost impossible, especially in today’s competitive world. But doing it is actually fairly simple. You just need to understand the basics and find a local or online sportsbook to bet at.

One of the sportsbooks you can bet at is a Las Vegas sportsbook. However, it can be intimidating if you’re new to legal sports wagering or betting. Even experienced sports bettor at home may not be familiar with how the process works as well in a casino because it’s not quite the same.

If you want to further understand how to make sports bets, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we are giving you some useful information on how to make sports bets in Las Vegas.

Understand the Different Types of Bets

Different types of sports bets are being added to the menu every new season for a sport, but here are the basic wagers that most people bet on.

  • Point Spread

On this type, you are betting on a team winning or losing by a certain number of points set by the sportsbook. For example, West Virginia is -7 against North Carolina. Your bet on the favorite, West Virginia, is that they will win by 8 points or more. A bet on the underdog, North Carolina, would be that they lose by 6 or fewer points. The bet is a push and you will get your money back if West Virginia wins by exactly 7 points.

  • Money Line

On this type of bet, you will simply choose which team will win. However, the payouts for this type of bet is not as simple. On a baseball game, for example, the Boston Red Sox are favored at -190 against the New York Yankees who the underdog is +170. A $190 wager on the Red Sox would return $100 plus the original bet when they win. A $100 bet on the Yankee would return $170 plus the original bet when they lose.

  • Totals

This one is an over/under bet. You will not be betting on a team rather you are betting on whether the total points, runs, or goals scored by both teams is over or under the total provided by the sportsbook. To win, you need to choose whether the total points scored will be over or under for the defined period or game.

Most sports bets will be on the point spread, total, or a team to win but there are also other sports betting options you can find in casinos. Here are some other types of wagers or sports bets:

  • Propositions

This one is a bet made that something will or will not happen during a game or event. It could be individual players or teams. These are single-game bets for specific results. For example, you can bet on a certain player to have over or under a point total for a basketball game. This type of bet can add a little thrill to a game instead of just betting on a team.

  • Futures
Place A Sports Bet In Vegas Online

This is a bet on an event to happen in the future. It can be soon or at the end of a season of a certain sport. For example, you can bet on the New York Yankees to win at 75-1 odds at the World Series. To collect, you will need to wait for the season to end. You can actually place future bets for all teams in all major sports.

  • Parlays
Best gambling bet in vegas

Parlays are one of the most popular sports bets in casinos as these offer the chance at bigger wins compared to most individual game bets by grouping multiple teams into one large bet. To create a parlay, you combine two or more teams up. Each team that you add to a parlay will increase the return if all of the games are winners.

  • Parlay Cards

You can also use a parlay card provided by the sportsbook. These cards come in different variations with alternative point spreads and rules. For example, there’s the teaser card that gives each team you choose extra points, and there’s the pleaser card which is exactly the opposite. It’s easy to win with a teaser card but it pays less than a traditional parlay. A pleaser card, on the other hand, makes it more difficult to win but it pays better.

Choosing the Sport and Picking a Wager

Not all sports bets are the same as one another. For example, most bets for football and basketball are made using a point spread while baseball and hockey use a money line. There are other events which might offer straight odds for a winning wager. To give you an idea, here are the basic ways to wager on matches and events for each major sport.

  • Basketball: Point Spread
  • Baseball: Money Line
  • Football: Point Spread
  • Soccer: Money Line
  • Hockey: Money Line
  • Tennis: Money Line
  • MMA and Boxing: Money Line
  • Auto Racing: Odds
  • Golf: Odds

Alternatives and point totals are available for most money line and point spread sports. You can also use other types of wagers or betting on each sport but the example above is usually the starting point for most sports bettors.

Learn Rotation Numbers

Rotation numbers are the numbers you see before the team name and odds in the sportsbook. Outside the sportsbook, these numbers are meaningless, but it is still important to take note of them as they will make placing a bet quicker and easier for you and the ticket writer taking your bets.

Each day, a rotation number is assigned to each team playing that day and the number is the same in all casinos. The ticket writer enters this rotation number into the computer when you place a bet. If for example, you walk up to the counter and ask for a team to win, the ticket writer will look up the rotation number to place your bet. When you know the rotation number, the betting process will go quicker.

No matter how you place your bet, it’s important to check your ticket to make sure that everything is correct before leaving.

Best Bet In Vegas

How to Place Sports Bets

Can I Place A Bet In Vegas Online

Once you know which event you want to bet, it’s time to place the wager. In Las Vegas sportsbook, ticker writers can usually understand any terminology they are given, but it can make their life easier when you use the basic information for the bets that you’d like to place. Here are some things you need to remember when making sports bets:

  • The rotation number that matches with the team or athlete for the bet. This is the 3 or 4-digit number to the left of each event.
  • The amount of the wager or bet.
  • Listen carefully when the bet is read back to make sure it is correct.
  • Check the printed ticket twice to make sure that it is correct.

When placing sports bets, you can tell the ticket writer the rotation number and the amount of your bet. For example, you can tell the ticket writer that you’d like #300 New York Yankees for $100. After placing your bet, the ticket writer will read back the wager to confirm if they have the correct information. When you approve, they will print the ticket and you will exchange money for it. Always double-check the ticket you are given to make sure that all the information written are correct.

Mobile Sports Betting

Bet On Sports Las Vegas

Aside from going to casinos, some sports bettors no longer have to stand in line to wait and place a bet. It’s because mobile sports wagering has been introduced as well. Since this has been introduced, sports bettors can wager on any games available from a sportsbook anywhere in the state. There are now sports wagering apps and websites where many people place their bets. This can also be less intimidating if you are a new sports bettor because bets are made without other people around. If you want to try making sports bets, you can visit and dive into the depths of sports betting and bookmakers.