Poker Force
Enhance your at-home poker playing with our wide selection of custom poker chips, poker playing cards, and other unique poker merchandise.Our poker chips boast a professional appearance with your own full-color logo or print, making them a great choice for your cash games and tournaments.
Put the women and children to bed. Light your cigar and head to the tiki bar because we have a winner for the Season II Camp Phoenix No Limit Hold'em Championship. He goes by the name Command Sergeant Major Mike 'Cigars & Tiki Bars' James. He played a fabulous round of poker from start to finish. The winning hand was James' A-J of hearts vs Airman Parks A-10 off suit. James hit the Jack on the flop and the rest is history. Mike shook hands, signed the felt and had his picture taken as the final winner for 'The Poker Force' of Task Force Phoenix V. It was a good day. Congrats Mike on the victory, well deserved!Season II Champion: CSM Mike 'Cigars & Tiki Bars' James....Congratulations Mike!
- Custom Poker Chips – Military and Law Enforcement. If you are looking for the highest-quality custom poker chips for the military & law enforcement (aka ceramic challenge coins), eye-catching designs and superior customer service, you have come to the right place!
- Source: Poker News The worst thing happened next – when he lost the game, he had no choice but to allow the two men to gang-rape his wife! The woman, who is also unidentified went to her uncle’s house after the gang-rape, but her husband followed her there and asked for forgiveness, saying that he made a mistake by betting her in the game.
Poker Source

2nd Place: Airman David 'no nickname' Parks
3rd Place: CDR Rick 'The Commander' Howard
4th Place: Airman Todd 'last chance' Lance
5th Place: Gavriloaea 'mad Romanian with a pretty mustache'

6th Place: SFC Steve 'Skywalker' Luker
7th Place: SSG Eric 'Hut the Mut' Hutley
8th Place: MAJ Steve 'Dangerous & Deadly' Grimes
Air Force Poker Chips
9th Place: 1LT Ryan 'the Groom' McBride
If you are looking for the highest-quality custom poker chips for the military & law enforcement (aka ceramic challenge coins), eye-catching designs and superior customer service, you have come to the right place! Owned and operated by a combat-wounded Marine, Warrior Chip™ is the largest manufacturer of custom military poker chips in the Western Hemisphere shipping millions of chips to customers in virtually every country with internet! Whether you are in the military, law enforcement or business sector, Warrior Chip™ is perfect for recognizing unit affiliation, personal achievement or promoting special events.
“Gunny – Great Work! I have already passed your name and website to some flag officer friends. Good Luck” – Rear Admiral Moon
We received the chips and they are awesome. Everyone is super impressed. We are very pleased and more orders to follow!” – Aaron D.
Marine Corps League Det. 1258“The quality of the chip and the art work is striking. Everyone that I have given one to, so far, likes the uniqueness of the chip…”Adele H
Colonel, USMC
As the only manufacturer for the ceramic Challenge Chip™, Warrior Chip™ can customize your chip with any logo, rank, photos, graphics or whatever your mind can think of! With exclusive production of the 1.75″, 2.00″, OCTAGON-X and Dog Tag Warrior Chip™, NO company can come close the quality, resolution, or price of these highly sought after mementos.
Over the years, our custom poker chips have expanded to more than just military, law enforcement units and agencies around the world. Warrior Chips are commonly found being used by businesses at expos, conventions and conferences; even as business cards! College and high school ROTC programs, military charities, weddings, birthdays, golf, sporting and other special events have sought the Warrior Chip brand.
Don’t be fooled by “knock off” companies who claim to have a similar product; only Warrior Chip™ and its authorized distributors & resellers provide a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. These highly durable, lightweight, and inexpensive chips are “The Next Generation Challenge Coin™”. Contact Us to order your Warrior Chip™ today!